Tuesday, August 24, 2010

WEEDS: “Felling and Swamping”

I enjoyed this episode much more than the season premiere, in which almost nothing happened. I feel like these 2 episodes should have been condensed into one, with the events of the premiere occupying roughly the first 5 minutes. Either way, the Botwins have successfully fled (for now) and are ready to start their new lives.

I loved the way Nancy was forced to begrudgingly admit being glad Pilar was murdered, even though she qualified the statement by saying she wished Shane hadn't been the one who did it. Let’s face it, Pilar threatened to kill Silas and Shane. And I see no reason to believe she wouldn’t have made good on that threat before Nancy figured out a way to stop her. I don’t have a problem with Shane killing her; it was certainly a form of self defense. It’s Shane’s response I find disturbing. Instead of being tortured, he is bragging about being a murderer-wearing it like a badge of honor. I’m skeptical that Shane is a full-blown sociopath. I predict he will have a delayed guilt reaction some time later in the season.

Poor Silas has had his life ruined again and again by this dysfunctional family. He’d probably be better on his own, now that he has his fake I.D. Even if the Botwins, I mean the “Newmans,” manage to start a whole new life for themselves, how long can it really be before Nancy derails it all over again? It’s just who she is. It’s inevitable.

I enjoyed the bonfire scene of all the Botwins burning their old identities. And I still love the chemistry between Nancy and Andy. I think 5 seasons of teasing us is enough though, it’s time for them to get together.

So now both Esteban and the FBI are looking for Nancy. I still can’t tell if Esteban wants to kill Nancy and take his son from her cold, dead hands, or if he wants both of them back. He has always been on the fence about loving her or wanting her dead, and now that ambivalence seems kicked up another notch.

But “Felling and Swamping,” unlike the premiere, has me looking forward to whatever adventure the Botwins/Newmans have in store for them this year.

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